How to get SPEAR Math

Take a moment to download the free sample pack of materials and consider whether SPEAR Math will meet your current needs.
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If you wish to buy SPEAR Math using a credit card, please click one of the large green buttons either above or below. 
If you pay by credit or debit card, access to SPEAR Math materials will be almost immediate. 

If you wish to buy SPEAR Math using an international money transfer (wire) payment, please download the order form and send the completed form to us. 
If you wire the payment by international money transfer, your account will be activated as soon as payment has cleared (this may take up to five working days). Please also note that you are liable for any fees incurred, so you must ensure that the full cost of the subscription is paid into our account.

Fee: $25 (one-off payment: unlimited access)
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'... the resources have enabled us to clarify our understanding of different problems and become more confident in using problem solving in more lessons.'
Why does my school need SPEAR Maths? How do I get SPEAR Maths? Buy SPEAR Maths